Buying a used mobile always involves certain risks, although they can be minimized if we follow a few guidelines as buyers. The network is full of dishonest people who will try to deceive us, although sometimes the confusion can be achieved without bad faith. For this reason, we need to be clear about what to ask the seller before buying a used cell phone.

The market for used mobile phones is very wide. Manufacturers are constantly launching new generations and many users are putting their terminals up for sale in search of more modern models. Buying used mobile phones can be a bargain, although the experience can be disastrous if we are not clear with the seller. If we do not receive something that we should ask you, it is better to look for another option.

What to ask the seller

The more photos, the better

Photos photos and photos, front, back, top and bottom. Pay attention to sellers who have only one photo and stay to send you more. A trusted ad should start by displaying the product in all its essence. Don't be shy to ask for photos of the box or accessories, if available. If your mobile phone is listed as 'new', ask for photos of the corners to see if it has received major blows.

Warranty or purchase receipt

It doesn't matter if your cell phone is one month, six months or two years old. We must ask the seller for the purchase receipt in order to be able to deal with any warranty repairs and to verify the legitimacy of the purchase. It may be more difficult for the buyer to keep the ticket in terminals older than two years or in those classics that we buy collectively.

On a reliable platform

Transactions must be made on a trusted buying and selling platform and transactions must always be closed within it. If the buy and sell portal has a chat, use it and avoid as much as possible the transfer of the offer to WhatsApp or similar programs.

With the agreement reached

Once we have concluded the agreement, we have to take into account some aspects, because until the mobile phone is in our hands and we check if everything works correctly, we cannot claim victory.

If he sends you his cell phone

In this case, we must ask the seller to make a shipment with guarantees. That is, send it through a trusted agency and ensuring its content. If the mobile phone has a considerable price, it is advisable to ask the seller to include the option to open the package on delivery, to make the return hot to the courier, in case you do not receive the agreement.



